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ARTandCHARITY ODV , in collaboration with the Municipality of Cardano al Campo, organize an art collective dedicated to the theme of violence against women
“STOP violence against women”
November 18-26, 2023
ART. 1 - Location and duration of the exhibition
ART. 2 - Techniques
ART. 3 - How to register
ART. 4 - Selection method
ART. 5 - Methods of delivery and collection of works
ART. 6 - Responsibility
ART. 7 - Consent
ART. 1 – Location, theme and duration of the exhibition
The exhibition will take place in the "Sala del Pane" and overhanging attic located in the building owned by the municipality in Cardano al Campo (Va) in Piazza Sant'Anastasio.
The exhibition aims to highlight the still disconcerting reality that sees women subjected to many forms of violence.
The selected works will be exhibited from 18 to 26 November 2023.
ART.2 - Techniques
Participation is open to all Artists, without limits of age, gender, nationality or other qualification.
Each artist can participate by presenting a work of free dimension, unpublished or unpublished, inspired by the theme referred to in this announcement.
The techniques admitted to the competition are indicated below:
works related to the theme created in full stylistic and technical freedom (oil, tempera, acrylic, ink, watercolor, graphite, pencil, collage, etchings, engravings, various types of printing, etc.) and on any support (canvas, paper, wood , plastic, iron, etc.).
The works must be supplied complete with hangers and support (possible passe-partout, frame, etc…) in case the work itself does not have enough consistency to be affixed.
Works that do not meet the requirements may be excluded from the exhibition.
works related to the theme created in any organic or inorganic material.
Works that do not meet the requirements may be excluded from the exhibition.
Photographic art
color photographs related to the theme printed on paper or other material.
The photos must be supplied complete with hangers and support for their posting. Works that do not meet the requirements may be excluded from the exhibition.
ART. 3 – How to register
To participate in the collective exhibition it is necessary to fill in the form below, attaching an image of the work to be presented.
The form must be completed in all its parts.
Subsequently, acceptance or rejection of the proposed work will be communicated by e-mail.
In the case of acceptance, the immediate completion of the membership must follow (subscription of the membership form and payment of the fee).
The presence of the artist on the portal is recommended as, being a partner company of our Association, it offers, in addition to the following advantages, the guarantee for a good promotion of both the artist and the event:
• Publication of the artist's personal profile
• Direct contact with the artist by any interested parties, without any intermediation
• Publication in the appropriate sections of the events and initiatives in which it participates
• Publish articles on “art blogs”
• Sharing of his publications directly on social networks
To find out more and request the creation of your profile by clicking on the following link
The publication on the portal and the relative payment is to be made from the portal itself.
€ 40.00 for the Artists PRESENT on the ArtistaOnLine portal
for Artists NOT present on the ArtistaOnLine portal € 50.00
The fee allows you to enter 1 work. It is also possible to participate in several sections and it is possible to participate with several works.
For each additional work in the same section the supplement is €30.00
Payment of the registration fee for the event can be made in the following ways only after receiving confirmation of acceptance of registration by the Curator:
PayPal ( click here )
Bank transfer
Banca Intesa San Paolo - Iban IT49 M030 6909 6061 0000 0171 916 – payable to ARTandCHARITY ODV
with reason for payment " ENOUGH violence against women ", Name, Surname of the artist.
Transfer fees/PayPal fees will not be accepted, under penalty of cancellation of the subscription.
ART. 4 – Selection method
Participation proposals will be examined carefully and acceptance or refusal will be communicated shortly via e-mail.
The setting up and organization of the exhibition will be the sole responsibility of the organizer without any interference from the exhibitors.
Transport costs and any insurance for the works will be the responsibility of the individual artists.
ART. 5 – Methods of delivery and collection of works
The works must be received at the "Sala del Pane" in Cardano al Campo (Va) in Piazza Sant'Anastasio from 15 to 16 November 2023 from 15:00 to 18:30 by personal delivery or by courier on the same days and times .
The possibility of making personal arrangements is offered subject to the availability of the organization.
The artist will have to take care of the collection of the work at the end of the exhibition or within the following day (opening hours 16-18)
The works not collected within the aforementioned terms will remain the property of ARTandCHARITY which will evaluate their destination for fundraising for humanitarian projects currently underway by the same Association.
All shipping costs (round trip) are the responsibility of the artist.
It is the artist's faculty to express at the time of registration the will to donate the work for the aforementioned purposes.
ART. 6 – Responsibility
The organizer, while ensuring the utmost care and custody of the works received, declines all responsibility for any theft, fire or damage of any nature, to the works or to people, which may occur during all phases of the event.
Any request for insurance must be signed by the artist himself.
ART. 7 – Consent
Each artist owns the rights of the images and the candidate works but assigns to the organizer without any compensation, the rights of reproduction, exhibition, publication, translation and communication to the public, in any way and none excluded, for their own works and for the texts selection participants. Each artist agrees to the free publication of images and texts on the sites and portals used by the organizer for the promotion and communication of the events.
ARTandCHARITY will exercise these rights in full compliance with the moral rights of the author for all institutional communication activities relating to the exhibition and the portal.
Each candidate expressly authorizes the organizer as well as their direct delegates, to process the personal data transmitted in accordance with the privacy law and the European Regulation (GDPR 2016/679), also for the purpose of inclusion in databases managed by the aforementioned persons and by third parties pursuing the same purposes.
Manuela Codazzi - Curator
Tel. 3393394148303
To proceed with the request to participate in the exhibition, fill out the form below in all its parts.
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