Copyright © 2023 ArtAndCharity Association CF 92035550125 Cookie-Policy - Privacy-Policy - Website created by Ideaventuno
00 month 2024 at 8.15pm - City (Va)
Members of the Association €00.00
Not members of the Association €00.00 (Do you want to join the association now? Click here )
Fill in all fields with an asterisk. At the end, tick the “Data use consent” box and press “SEND”
Choose your menu:
The meat menu : 1st Mezze penne with sausage ragout 2nd Milanese cutlet + side dish (grilled vegetables or baked potatoes) + sorbet + coffee + ¼ wine (red or white) + water
The fish menu: 1st Spaghetti, calamari and olives 2nd Slice of grilled salmon + side dish (grilled vegetables or baked potatoes) + sorbet + coffee + ¼ wine (red or white) + water
Any off-menu requests will be paid directly at the cash register.
Do you want to bring some relatives or friends with you? Fill in the fields below.
PROCEED WITH PAYMENT (Cash payments are not accepted)
Bank transfer - Banca Intesa San Paolo - Iban IT49 M030 6909 6061 0000 0171 916 (enter "Gita + Surname Name" in the reason for payment).
PayPal - Use the form below
FOR INFORMATION: - call 3385236490 (Giovanni) - 3394148303 (Manuela) - 3471387073 (Ivana).
The proceeds from our events, net of costs, are allocated to the association's humanitarian and social projects as required by the Statute.
(Do you want to join the association now? Click here )
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