Copyright © 2023 ArtAndCharity Association CF 92035550125 Cookie-Policy - Privacy-Policy - Website created by Ideaventuno
To sign up and become an ordinary member of the ARTandCHARITY association, click on the button below and fill out the registration form in its entirety.
Once the request is completed, you can proceed with the payment of the membership fee set at €20.00 per calendar year (1/1 - 31/12)
have you completed the registration? Well! Now choose the method you prefer to regularize your membership through two safe solutions:
You will then receive the confirmation notification and your digital card (downloadable with the free Wallyfor APP) directly on your smartphone.
Would you like to make a free donation? Fill out the form below in its entirety.
Donations also have a fiscal implication: with the Third Sector Reform, new more advantageous rules are envisaged starting from 1 January 2018 for supporters of non-profit organizations, voluntary organisations, social promotion associations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), social cooperatives.
Choose the method you prefer to make the donation via two secure solutions:
It costs you nothing but with your 5×1000 ARTandCHARITY it can do a lot, a lot
The 5×1000 is a percentage that is deducted from the personal income tax that all taxpayers have to pay.
This means that this contribution costs nothing more than what you normally have to pay to the State, on the contrary, it allows you to choose who to donate part of your taxes to.
Method of destination of 5 per thousand
Donating the 5 per thousand share is very simple. During the tax return, each taxpayer can allocate the 5 per thousand IRPEF quota by signing in the appropriate boxes present in the following forms:
It should be remembered that it is possible to allocate one's 5 per thousand to only one beneficiary, indicating the relevant tax code. The tax codes of the entities admitted to the benefit can be consulted in the lists made public by the Revenue Agency.
Enter the Tax Code of our Association in the appropriate box of the Income Tax Return:
CF 92035550125
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